
My wife and I lived our whole lives in Arkansas until 2001.  Then we moved to the Kansas City area in (a job change).  That was the reason for the ‘From a Far Country’ title.  Our children and grandchildren were in Arkansas.  After ten years in KC I retired and we sold our house and bought one in Sherwood, Arkansas.  I’m working part time for the company I worked for before we moved away.

So maybe the ‘From a Far Country’ title is not so much of a fit anymore.  But I think I’ll stick with it.  I’m still not home.  Not yet.  The Bible says we are all strangers and pilgrims here.  Our real home is with God and some day we’ll be there.  We’ll be home.


7 Responses to About

  1. James R. Clawson says:

    Isn’t that interesting on how that work’s I mean God’s timing. Just over 2 years ago things were moving right along and I had a Gran Mal seizure. One minute I was on my feet and the next I was down. I guess it’s another way that God tells us that he is in control. From that experience I have learned to take life a little less seriously and thank God for every blessing that comes my way even though it may seem small. I am just thankful to be alive being able to count my many blessings. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Neeks says:

    You have been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award. Congratulations! You can check it out here: http://neekswrite.wordpress.com/2011/10/07/me-are-you-sure/

  3. Naphtali says:

    Sounds like you have a great wife! You are smart for mentioning her here! lol!
    Your sense of humor is contagious. Don’t know many or if any one from Arkansas. Keep up the good work here!

  4. Naphtali says:

    I have nominated you for the 7X& Link Award. Please go to my site to see.

    The 7X7 Link Award

  5. Chrystal says:

    I am from Arkansas! I grew up in Warren in Bradley County. Mom & my 2 sisters live in the LR area now, and I was just there visiting a couple of weeks ago. Never thought I’d say this when I left there, but I miss it. 🙂

  6. Chrystal says:

    I’ve nominated you for a Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Check out the details here. http://learningtobeblog.wordpress.com/2012/07/13/very-inspiring-blogger-award/

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